sick kid

Keeping kids in the classroom, as we all well know, is vital to their success. However, there are times when it is beneficial for our students to be home. Cold and flu season is upon us and recently Knoxville Schools have seen a rise in cases of strep, RSV, COVID, influenza, and many other illnesses. All students are going to feel uncomfortable from time to time and we want to teach our children that in those circumstances, they are strong enough to persevere and stay in the classroom. However, when students have a fever, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, and more severe symptoms or illnesses, it's important to allow students to rest and recover. When students are in the classroom and are combating painful symptoms, their focus is drawn away from their studies, and they are exposing classmates to the same fate. If your student is sick, please keep them home. If you are concerned and unsure, call the school nurse or your child's healthcare provider to discuss symptoms and recommendations. 

Please note, COVID is on the rise in our county. If your child has symptoms, please keep them home and test them. Let's be PROACTIVE this season and avoid the government REACTING with mandates!!